jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

LOLA Chocolate slimming

One component is Spirulina helps in two ways in diets on the one hand, we make sure to eat all the nutrients essential to life, such as minerals, especially iron, zinc and calcium on the other, also includes vitamins, among which we must mention the Vitamin A, B1, and especially B12 and amino acids.
The LOLA chocolate is free of cholesterol, acts as an antioxidant and helps digestion by maintaining a rich and healthy intestinal flora.
On the amino acids that includes phenylalanine must be stressed, able to stimulate Cholecystokinin, and neurotransmitter molecule produced by our brain to eliminate hunger.
Also that the LOLA chocolate contains significant amount of the amino acid Arginine, which stimulates growth hormone, which acts using fat for muscle development.
Similarly another amino acid contributes Spirulina, tyrosine, which acts on the hypothalamus to increase norepinephrine and use of fats to muscle tissue formation.

The LOLA chocolate also contains a seed of Jojoba. Jojoba is its scientific name Simmondsia chinensis Schneider, to the presence of a glycoside called simmondsina.
This evergreen shrub, native of the Sonoran Desert is unique in nature because the fruit pressing yields a very popular cosmetic oil, Jojoba liquid wax, and the rest of the pulp contains 35% vegetable protein. When this source of food given to animals that ingested food looked and found that the reason was due to its high content simmondsina.
Already had references to Native Americans living in areas between Mexico and the United States used the seed for this purpose in times of famine or when they had to make long trips. Studies carried out recently proved this fact.

We also include a delicious almond praline has beneficial effects on health.
Prudent consumption of almonds reduced their risk of cardiovascular problems by lowering the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol), lowers LDL and triglycerides.
The kernel is an important component in the Mediterranean diet. Interestingly, because of their high energy and low in sugar almond may be recommended in the diets of diabetics.
(Sorry for the mistakes GOOGLE TRANSLATOR)

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

This is a very good idea. Adding Spirulina to the Chocolate makes it very healthy - as a product.

Spirulina is the richest source of protein. it also helps in weight control, hypertension, arthritis, blood purification,anti cancer.

very good concept !
